Friday, February 10, 2006

Another Baby Elephant dies During Birth: Again, Politicians Look to themselves Rather than the Mother who Really is Suffering a Loss

I just love it when the politicians claim everything is theirs. She even claims that the baby elephant was hers. She’ll go home to her cushy home tonight and forget while having a drink while the real mother morns in a smelly, stained, hard concrete enclosure. Yeah, she cares for Genny C. All she cares about is how much money she lost now that the zoo won’t have a baby elephant to exploit.

Read this quote:

"Our baby elephant has died," said County Executive Maggie Brooks. "Our concern now shifts to Genny C and her well-being."

Ok, well, one, it wasn’t your baby, and two, if your concern if for Genny C, then let her go to a sanctuary. Perhaps they can handle a delivery without having the calf die. Perhaps delivery in a smelly, stained, hard concrete enclosure is what led to the death of the calf.

But no, they’ll continue to think only of themselves and how THEY lost a calf – not Genny C, the real mother. They’ll just artificially impregnate her again – real comfortable experience I bet. This was her third artificial impregnation.


Baby elephant dies: 'Our hearts are sad'


Marketta Gregory

Staff writer

The baby elephant expected at Seneca Park has died during delivery, county officials announced today. The elephant's 28-year-old mother Genny C went into labor at 6:30 a.m. Tuesday, but it was determined by 10 a.m. that the calf was not responding.

"Our baby elephant has died," said County Executive Maggie Brooks. "Our concern now shifts to Genny C and her well-being."

One of the calf's feet made it outside the uterus but the calf was not properly aligned for delivery through the birth canal, said Jeff Wyatt, director of animal health and conservation.

Experts from around the country were consulted and some even flew into Rochester to help, but they couldn't save the calf, which was still in its mother's womb.

Genny C is doing well, though, said Wyatt, who has slept at the zoo since Monday. The elephant is eating and acting normally and Wyatt's hope is that the calf will shift in the uterus and be expelled without complications.

Genny C is on an antibiotic as a precautionary measure, Wyatt said.

Work on an expanded elephant exhibit will continue, officials said, and Genny C will be included when it opens to the public this spring.

This was the third time Genny C had been artificially inseminated. That, along with her age and her recent experience, means that she will no longer be a candidate for reproduction.

"This reminds us of how unpredictable life can be," Brooks said. "Our hearts are sad but our hearts will heal."

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