Wednesday, March 23, 2005

Pigeon Control - Avipel vs Avitrol

For those having issues with Pigeons, but don't want to kill them with Avitrol - a poison, there's an alternative - Avipel. Or, do you know of someone or a business that is having problems? Have them read this. Read on..taken from an article..

Indeed it seems Avipel may be a humane alternative to Avitrol!

According to PETA, "Avipel is made by the same company that manufactures Flight Control for Canada geese and it’s completely harmless. The mechanism for it is aversive conditioning—the pigeons eat a little bit, get a stomach ache, associate the food with the area and leave. The HSUS/Fund is recommending it as an alternative to Avitrol which is perfect because, as you know, Avitrol is marketed as a flock-dispersion product and so is this. The difference is, this stuff doesn’t kill the birds and Avitrol does! Brilliant! This could b! e the greatest weapon yet to be used in efforts to stop the use of Avitrol."

Avipel is cheaper than Avitrol, which is a key factor in getting businesses to use it. This is wonderful news!

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