Tuesday, October 15, 2013

The Wolf Killers Continue their Terror: Unnecessary Sport Killing for Ego: Act Now!

Just a reminder that this hell is still going on, sanctioned by the idiot federal govt.I pasted in a first hand account below BUT ALSO links to where you can leave comments prior to 10-28-13 to prevent further delisting and hence, further horror killing.  DO IT!

The most famous pack in the world has a ribbon of darkness over it and is a major target of those that hate wolves. How grown adults in a country that offers so much freedom, so much abundance of all that is good is beyond my minds ability to comprehend of how they can inflict so much pain and suffering upon an animal that never hurt them. You and me are really what these haters are striking at, and the animals are the scapegoat. They are taking what is meant for us. We brought the wolf back to the Northern Rockies, we won the Governments laws to protect them. And the haters are now unleashing their wrath for doing so upon these loved and precious wolves. Keep in mind that every fallen wolf is a strike back at you, a strike back at me and all that love these wolves. Every drop of blood these wolves lose, is for us. And it is a sacred giveaway. Yesterday we learned that area 2 in Wyoming had 5 wolves taken. The quota was 4 but for whatever reason, 5 was taken. Area 2 is where our Lamar Canyon's took up residence last winter. The lead daughter of 06 joined the Hoodoo pack there and had her first litter this past April. Bob Landis filmed her and 06's last litter there last summer. We do not know if she is among the fallen. But it does not look good for her and the rest of 06's offspring that was with her. Until we do know we will hold fast the hope that they escaped the guns of Satan's slaves of destruction. Area 2 is now closed! 


Please read and follow the link below.  The form letter can be used.  IT’S ALL VERY EASY!!!!  We need to make sure they are not delisted.

The US FWS has extended the comment period (to October 28, 2013) for the federal delisting of wolves nationwide.


Please take a second and send your comment to USFWS and ask to maintain the Endangered Species Act protection for gray wolves.

To make it easier Rhonda has enclosed copy of a letter that you can use / modify.
All the instructions how and where to submit your comments are at the end of this sample letter.
Please act now, tomorrow could be too late.
Thank you as usual for taking action.

September 2, 2013

Director Daniel Ashe
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
1849 C Street, NW
Washington, DC 20240

Dear Director Ashe,
I am writing to you in your capacity as Director of US Fish and Wildlife Services to request in the most urgent manner possible that USFWS maintain the Endangered Species Act protection for gray wolves currently protected under the Act. I do NOT accept in any way, based on any information provided, that wolves are recovered as a species. Wolves have only returned to 5% of their former habitat; this is strictly politically motivated as I am sure you are well aware. If not politically motivated, then why is it the bald eagle was delisted in 2007, but we have not allowed open hunting and trapping? Why then are we even contemplating doing that with wolves? The stated goal of the Endangered Species Act is to save species from extinction and to fully recover the species by removing threats to its survival.

As you are well aware, there has been much discussion, and indeed outrage by the fact that politics once again weighed in to dictate the decisions concerning the fate of the gray wolf, rather than best science available decisions. While I applaud the decision of the USFWS to put on hold for an indefinite time, according to FWS spokesman Gavin Shire on August 12th (as per the LA Times), I would urge you to allow the PEER review of the well qualified scientists and biologists to be reviewed carefully by USWFS and that protection is maintained for the gray wolves currently protected under the Act.

In some areas of Idaho close to 700 wolves, including lactating females and pups, can be killed at anytime. In the state of Wyoming 83 percent of that states wolves can be killed year round without a license. The state of Montana will allow a “bag limit” of up to five wolves per hunter/trapper. I defy anyone to call this scientific stewardship of this apex, keystone predator; necessary to provide balance to our eco system!
Director Ashe, I hope your decisions on the gray wolf will echo the integral role you played in responding to a 2005 complaint that agency geologist had botched an evaluation of the habitant needs of panthers. The protection of the gray wolf against those who would seek to completely remove them from the landscape, from their rightful homeland, certainly deserves no less.

Thank you for your consideration.


To submit your comments please follow the link provided.

When you have accessed this webpage look for :
“Endangered and Threatened Wildlife and Plants: Gray Wolf (Canis lupus), Mexican Wolf (Canis lupus baileyi)”

Now look to the top right hand corner of the page and locate the button that says: “Comment Now”
This will bring you to the comment page. Please cut and paste the provided comment, modify the provided comment our use your own words to tell Director Dan Ashe and other decision makers your feelings on why we need to protect all of Americas wolves under the Endangered Species Act.

Friday, October 11, 2013

Think Zoos are Humane? Look at these Photos and Think Again! Gaston Lacombe’s Project Uses Photos to Expose the Truth.

Wow.  Too bad all the close minded parents out there who take their kids to zoos will never even look at this.  And, if they do, they’ll make up some illogical argument about it.

But for those who love the truth and use their eyes and facts to speak, then this will leave no doubt as to the horror of zoos and captive animal situations.  In essence, they are unnatural and leave the victims in states of psychosis and misery.

Monday, October 07, 2013

The Truth is Out and Photos Prove it: Wolf Killers & Hunters Get Off Sexually on Killing: See it for Yourself

Wow, just wow.  

I’ll start it off with these quotes and then please read the article and view the horror photos at: http://www.examiner.com/article/wolf-killers-admit-it-s-all-about-the-sadistic-sexual-thrill   It is truly frigntening that members of the human species are this sick.  Scary.

“But at least now the truth has been revealed: The 'need' to hunt and trap wolves is not about 'wildlife management' or protection of life or property. Instead, it's actually about the 'need' of psychologically-sick individuals to 'get off' sexually by torturing an animal they love to hate.”

“You see, they're bullies, too.

Underlying all the unforgiving and ultimately lethal anti-wolf/anti-predator legislation being passed recently, of course, is greed, fueled by fear (and the active, purposeful fear-mongering and misinformation associated with group hysteria and mind control), and catalyzed by a nameless, formless hatred which malcontents and other paranoid people coalesce into form through their focus on one particularly convenient, integral, dynamic, ecologically crucial, intentionally misunderstood and emotionally charged iconic species; the grey wolf.

Sounds deep, confusing, complex.

However, in a nutshell, what they are saying plainly is that torturing animals is sexually arousing for them.

These kinds of pages are no better than so-called 'crush videos' (movies of innocent, live animals being stomped, cut apart with scissors, burned, etc., and sold to perverts who like to masturbate while watching) except that, being based more in the 'traditional sports' of hunting and trapping, these (for now, at least) manage to sneak by legally."

Read the article and view the horror photos at: http://www.examiner.com/article/wolf-killers-admit-it-s-all-about-the-sadistic-sexual-thrill

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