Monday, July 02, 2012

The Idiocy and Fallacy of The Paleo Diet Exposed: “The Paleo Diet Is Uncivilized (And Unhealthy and Untrue)”

This is perhaps the most coherent and cogent article I’ve ever read on just how stupid and illogical the Paleo Diet is.  Written by the famous (and overly respected) Dr. McDougall, and referencing actual medical studies and solid anthropological findings, it lays waste to the faddish diet that the newest idiots of today push.  You see mostly the CrossFit zealots religiously pushing it, and, where there are zealots, there are idiots following their every word.  I know a few of them near where I live. 

I’m going to let the article speak for itself.  I’m sure there are plenty of fools that will not read it, but for those of you who like the truth, and for those who need ammunition (the intelligent kind) against the slack jawed, robot followers of the zealots, this is for you.  Plus, it’s just plain interesting to see what very respected PhD anthropologists have found to prove what the real early human diet was.’s not what the CrossFit whacks proclaim.


DaveHPT said...

according to paleo, lentils are bad for you / fattening. Really? Say no more. Just another fad diet based on nonsense.

Anonymous said...

Amen. And since it is Christmas, let me point out for those with a religious bent. that Jesus fed the 5000 with BREAD and Fish, not just fish! Also in the Book of Daniel we read that Daniel disdained "the rich food of the king" in favor of vegetables. The typical middle eastern diet included legumes, such as lentils, found to be very heart healthy today!

sheone said...

it lays waste to the faddish diet that the newest idiots of today push. You see mostly the CrossFit zealots religiously pushing it, and, where there are zealots, there are idiots following their every word. I know a few of them near where I live.

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