I wanted to end today with a good story. We can only hope this will become more common in the future. To torture dogs is cruelty of the highest degree.
I posted in some text below, but to read the full story and to see some video, visit: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2011/11/28/lab-raised-beagles-go-out_n_1116446.html?ncid=edlinkusaolp00000009
“Forty male beagles raised inside a lab in Spain arrived in Los Angeles last week where they will be put up for adoption after being freed from captivity by the Beagle Freedom Project.
The rescue mission is the largest yet for the group Animal Rescue Media Education (ARME). A total of 72 dogs were rescued in the effort, 32 of them having already been adopted in Europe, according to NBC Los Angeles.
ARME's Beagle Freedom Project spokesman Gary Smith said the beagles, all between ages 4 and 7, had lived in cages their entire lives.”